Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Chicago Pie: TL;DR

(l-r) Hoosier Mama's Vanilla Cream with Strawberries,
First Slice's storefront, Bang Bang's Blue-barb
As a lover of pie and annual host of a Pi(e) Day party, I often seek out the best bakers of round pastry. In my own city, there is no lack of notable stops. I wrote a series on Chicago Pie's Big Three. Here's the TL;DR.
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Best pies: Dutch Sour Cream [any fruit] and Earl Grey Custard
Biggest overall strength: Custard pies
Extra credit: Best in Chicago at savory pies

Best pies: Michigan Cherry and Pecan
Biggest overall strength: Cheesecakes
Extra credit: Gluten free Polka Dot pie

Best pies: Strawberry-Rhubarb and Chocolate
Biggest overall strength: Fruit pies
Extra credit: Biscuit with toppings

Honorable mention:
Chopping Block
Best Pie: Apple pie
Biggest overall weakness: Only available at Apple Fest and for order at Thanksgiving

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